Heavy Academics delivered joyfully! We teach following Russian Standard of Music Education: the program is based on the combination of DoMiSol Music group classes and DoMiSol Piano individual lessons.
Structure. The academic year is divided into two Semesters (September- January; February-June). Every student attends two Group Music and two Piano lessons a week. The duration of Group Music classes is 60min, individual piano lessons – 45min.
More details. DoMiSol Group Music Classes combine Theory and History of Music disciplines. Creative music theory classes are musicianship classes complementing instrument instruction. The ultimate goal of creative theory is to produce a literate musician, able to understand, read, write, analyze, and compose music. And all while having fun!
Ear training is a big part of music theory class. Students are taught to hear and recognize pitches, intervals, and chords. Solfeggio (do-re-mi), a traditional method of naming pitches, tied to "fixed do" is being used for ear-training. Students learn scales, key signatures, basics of harmony, and rhythm. They also learn conducting patterns and play rhythm ensembles. Students in intermediate and advanced classes learn counterpoint. All theory concepts and skills are demonstrated on the piano, and basic piano literacy is also introduced in class.