Have your superstar turned 1year old? Time to join DoMiSol Club! Our new mommy-and-me format class is all about introducing music to the kids and their parents together and the joys it can bring to their daily lives.

Why to start in the early age of one? Developing your baby's natural musicality will open the door to a world of possibility, not only for music learning but for learning in general. The early years are so important to this process, which is why we designed this special course to help you every step of the way.

Tiny Music Tots unites the families with kids from 1 to 2 years of age. The best music educator for such a young child is the parent. These lessons will help you to fulfill this important role.

Structure. Tiny Music Tots group content is delivered in 30 min twice a week classes. Each lesson is ‘a musical story’ made by the children themselves as active participants. Maximum number of children: up to 10.

In this class the activities are specifically designed to teach you
how to support music development in such early age and how to connect with your baby through music: parents are the role models during the lessons helping to build the core music skills through a variety of multi-sensory activities. Puppets and a wide variety of other props are used to stimulate children's imaginations. Children participate in simple action songs and dances to develop listening and gross motor skills and reinforce a sense of steady beat. The songs and rhymes in the program help to develop children's language skills and extend their vocabularies. Children play percussion instruments in stop and start activities, and props and puppets are used to help them focus. Peekaboo activities teach children about musical phrasing and develop their confidence in leaving their parents. And since this class is a part of DoMiSolMusic program, you will experience a seamless transition as your one year old grows to our Music Tots (2-3), Do (3-4), Mi (4-5) and Sol (5-6) Classes.

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